Friday, August 5, 2005


Went to lunch with my daughter.   We had a nice time.  Then we went to CCAC and she handed in the paperwork to have the credits from the two last required classes.   If all goes well (why am I always looking for some SNAFU)  she will be finished.

I spent an hour or two going thru my favorites.  I know there is someway to better catagorize them but along with the videos it is escaping me.   All I can figure out is the click and drag method.   \

I had off today.   I washed the clothes and cleaned a bit.  Now that is real exciting.   I had never (or at least I can't remember) being bored on my days off.   I think it is because historically women always have another job taking care of the household and they always have something to do on a daily basis.

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