Saturday, July 10, 2004

Drives me crazy

I love my daughter, but sometimes she drives me crazy.  She was to get everything done to request a Late withdrawl  from the past semester.  I found out that she had lied and had not done what she was suppose to do.  She was to write a letter and get 3 professors to sign off on the paper to have a late withdrawl.  She was to meet with the asst dean (said she did) and I found out that she did nothing after she told me it was done.  

If she had done it it would have stayed at the dean level and now it will be handled by the registrar.  Not only that, she didnt get the forms and filled them out until I came up, found out, and forced her to do this.  

Is she waiting for some miracle to occur??????    I am extremely dissapointed that she habitually lies to me.  I can't trust anything that she says.  I also feel, that there is something else going on that I didnt find out about yet.  I Will Find Out Eventually.   She is a sweet, wonderful person, but I am seriously wondering about her..............................

It will be a long time before I can believe what she tells me is the truth.  She has to reearn my trust in her. 


She filled out the forms andI took them to the registrar and then found out that they had to be taken to the various departments.  I, did get this done, I guess my Karma was good because I was able to get the professors to sign off on it.  I was really irked, if I had known this was to be done I would have dragged her arse out of bed and gone with me.  Neither one of us knew that it was to be done on the spot.

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