Friday, March 24, 2006


To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often."
Sir Winston Churchill

I guess all of us are seeking Nirvana.  I seek Nirvana at work all day long.   I have off a week in May and have been trying to plan a beach vacation.   Nothing is free and I couldn't imagine what was the problem.   THE PROBLEM WAS ME.   That week is the lead up to the Memorial Day weekeend and everyone has their three day weekend planned.  

Back to the drawing board on that one.    I wanted it to be quiet and now I will have major traffic troubles.  Still am looking at housing for that.    My ideal place would be with a balcony that overlooks the ocean, two bedrooms and cable TV and high speed internet.   I don't think that is too much to want.   WIFI would be ideal.  Have to keep looking.



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