Monday, April 30, 2007


Well, after one week, the iPod is loaded and fired up.  If for some reason I get stuck with a lot of boring people I will just turn it on and ignore them.   I thought at 60 I was a little old for this,  (not really)  but there was a guy in the Apple  Store buying one too.  He appeared to be about 78 or so.   Guess he is techno savy and young at heartt.

The thing that really amazes me is some of my coworkers are computer illiterate.   They really sound like a bunch of old farts.    I told my financial advisor that I was going to live till I was 95.    If you are healthy that is a good thing.    

I think a person should not take any more than four medicines.   If the doctor gives you a new one he/she should take one away.   I think the secret to staying healthy begins when you are younger.  When I was in my early 20's I discovered that the sun was making miniscule blisters on my face.   At that time sun screens made their appearance and ever since then I have used them.    Now you can find them in your moisturizer and foundations.       The second thing is not to smoke,  it causes wrinkles.  And makes you poor to boot.    Eat a balanced diet and get a little exercise daily.    Now that I got that iPod I hope to increase my usage of the treadmill.   Think I will start tomorrow.   LOL

thoughts to ponder

"The secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life, and in elevating them to art."   William Morris 

"People do not lack strength, they lack will."
Victor Hugo

The second quote is what is rampent into todays society.    No one wants to delay gratification.   People finish college and want to get paid like a brain surgeon.   

Today was a beautiful day.   I was able to leave two hours early and just enjoy the afternoon.   This is the last week of rehersal for the dtr.   The end of the season concert is this Saturday.  She still is trying to figure out what to do with her life.   Guess she should have been born rich.   Sorry sweetie, that is not how it is.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Brunch was great.......They are working on the Parkway East in Pittsburgh.   It starts on Friday and ends early Monday morning.    This state of Pennsylvania is in a permanent state of road work   The only one that comes close to this is TN.  What really get me is that the roads are always in deplorable condition,   the tell us it is the"freeze-thaw cycle"    Well other states at this latitude have it too and their roads are better than this.  

After brunch we went to Filenes Basement.   They have really nice things.   Emily got two dresses and some underwear.  The undies were half the price of the regular store.

I am trying to decifer what these tags are??????? But it won't beam me there.  All I hear are clicks.??????




Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet

I have joined a genealogy group and I am trying to trace my ancestors.   The problem with mine is they came over here in the 1890's and my mother side came over here in1927.   Records in Ireland and Germany are scarce and not online, at least I haven't been able to find them.   

I have some of their papers and although I complained about cleaning out my pack-rat fathers collection of papers since the 1940's, he had saved them and now it is a treasure.

I found my great grandfather Patrick O"Rourkes naturalization paper where he renounces allegiance to the Queen Victoria.

Why does this journal disappear

This is the second time I have started this entry this morning.   I had pasted a quote and was expounding on the greatness of the Zenith tea room cafe.    And when I clicked to get an address the prevous journal entry disapeared.    Wher does it go and who was the sage that decided to make it do that???  Then when I reclicked on the journal to paste, the web site left....     The cafe has a vegitarian buffet on  Sundays and you would never notice that there is no meat.    I would like to have the recipes to prepare some of the things at ho

Nothing is as fatiguing as the complexities of cyber space and where it goes.


Saturday, April 28, 2007


Alas ,   I have done it.    Why is this so difficult for me.   I have been checking other journals and see what they do.   Everyones is much more lively and have moving do they do that.   When I hit aol help I am transported to a wonder land of a search engine and TMI on searching.

Wow,while searching my pictures  I found this one.   This is a picture taken of Pittsburgh from the PNC Park Baseball stadium.   It was a lousy game but the view is good.  





I hve spent the last 30 minutes trying to change the colors of my journal.    I choose the colors, go tired of the hot pink and changed it to white and then clicked save.   But it does not save.   WTF


Looking for help on AOL journal and not finding it.    When I click on the help link it takes me to the search engine.   I need a little help not a wide world of help.   

I want to find out how do I go about to placing a website on my journal and I can't get there from here. 

Got tired of listening to Bach.   I REALLY do not like listening to an oratory in German.  I just want to here the music, as music.   Wonder if I could connect some of the music in Itunes to this jouranl????????

Read an article this morning about a 24K plated Ipod  Guess that is for the people who have more money than brains.....



It is 8:30 and I have been awake since 4:30.     I got my Ipod almost all ready.   I have loaded the songs onto Itunes and that was quite a piece of work     What I would really like to know is where does a persons CD's go.    I am missing Simon and Garfunkel.   And also missing a few others.     They are mostly smooth jazz and I know my daughter and husband didn't take them.    Up until now the only place they would be was in my car.      I wonder if they could possibly be with the unmatched socks.   

Also I am sort of skeptical of aliens and UFO's  I don't think, if they existed, that they would come and pilfer certain selected music.   On the other hand they just might take Johns Williams "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"  Or perhaps the sound track from "ET"    

Another week gone by.    Work is the same as usual.   It is exhausting,  but it amazes me that my younger co-workers are just as tired.    They just don't make them like they used to.  That is for sure.  I have 10 months to go on my commitment and then  when I reach the magic age of 62,  I have the option of retiring.   

 It is crazy that a person who works in health care doesn't get health insurance when   they retire.  I have to pay for my own and not only that I am paying for a lot of others who are at the taxpayer trough.  It is irksome that I have to pay for everyone else's and my own too.

I am on second call and just sitting here hoping that they do not call.  I wanted to go to dinner with mylady friends but I got out a half hour too late and would not have made it.   Went out with Chuck and Emily.   Met them after work.  That Grill is 5 minutes from the hospital.  Eating out is expensive but sometimes I am just too tired to cook.


"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."

Wow and I thought all this time that those "bad" people were something  new to mankind......

 'Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory."
Albert Schweitzer

Is this what is called.. blissfully unaware????

This morning I read an article about a woman who is 95 who just got her degree, maybe I will go and get my Masters........   I would like to be one of those people who say what they like (my daughter said I pretty much do that now)   and shock the shit of the "kids" in class.   I would like to argue with the instructors.   Maybe I would take a philosophy class,   my daughter says that class is a joke.    The prof  gets angry and puts people down who don't agree with her and says they are all wromg.  

I guess she must be one of those liberal democrats who think people are too stupid to think and need someone like the Clintons to make their decisions for them....  SAVE US FROM THE ULTRA LEFT WING.



Saturday, April 21, 2007


Well, I bought an Ipod.  It will be the Tom Dowd Memorial Ipod.    I closed the estate acount and had enough in the final distribution to get the Ipod.    As I am typing this it is syncing with the compter........    I have 3 G of music and a lot more to be loaded.   3G which are on the computer in my ITunes folder.    Many CD's to go.

I plan to listen to it while I walk on the treadmill.    I can't hear music from my headset on the radio and it is too loud to listen to the clock radio, so I am hoping this works.  Maybe the daughter will download some of her music to mine.   I know she will because I am a nice mutti.

Monday, April 16, 2007


Why???   I wanted to put a website in my journal but the journal closes itself when I click on the favorites heart?????"   Sometimes the ins and outs of this just boggle my mind.   There are things I would like to do on this compter and I never see to come up with the solution.......

Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing."
William James



Sunday, April 15, 2007


Another week gone by.   I am hating my life.   I hate work and just can't wait to call it quits.    It is just a bunch of bull shit.     The newest thing is hand washing.   We are being spied upon and if we don't wash out hands we get written up.    We have to wash after giving report, even though the papers we are carrying belong to that patient.  Then we have to wash them again after we put the papers away.    I feel like it is the gestapo shadowing my movements.

What they really ought to do is have someone perusing the cleanliness of the OR rooms and the operating tables.   Why is it always the people who don't work giving mandates on how you should do your job.    The latest stupid ass mandate is that there are to be no "labeled" empty syringes.   It is OK to have an empty syring but not one empty with a label.     Does it make a bit of sense at all?????

Each time the Joint Commission visits hospitals in the US and nit picks something new.  They come to visit every three years.   Each time it is another thing  they get in their mind something new to criticize and pick apart.     I will be glad when I don't have that item to think about.


Friday, April 13, 2007


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken."
Samuel Johnson

Sunday, April 8, 2007

"Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill."
Barbara Tuchman

 I love the library, I could read two to three books a week.  I am always getting out some of the latest ones.  I rarely watch TV.   I would rather read.   I have NEVER seen an epoisode of Survivor or Americal Idol.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
Thomas Edison

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck   I believe it probably is a duck.     Only most people do not want to be associated with ducks.

A few weeks age I was giving sedation to a young woman.  She is an attorney and had move back to PA from CA.    She was relocating to her home town.   I asked her if she had found a position yet.   She said no, she was only back for one week.  And then she added she really didn't want to work.    I said to her neither did I nor did most people,  I really could get into sitting on my arse and let a check come rolling  in.

What I REALLY   wanted to say was "Keep you chin up kid, you only have about 40 years to go."  What we have produced in this country is a lot of people who want to wait for the check to come in.   People would rather sit and do nothing if it produces income.   And then if they want extra cash they go out and work on the black market on a cash only basis and never report it as income.   

I really would like to know how much income is made and never reported.   I resent it because I pay beaucoup taxes and a lot don't.   I also believe that people wouldn't mind paying their share if it was all equal and THE GOVERNMENT DIDN'T SQUANDER THE MONEY THEY PAID.

When I look at all the federal, state and local waste it makes me sick.    I am paying for perks that I never would get myself and not only that I haveto pay for a lot of these things myself.  Health care is the biggest.   The poor and the rich get away without paying and the entire burden is placed on the middle class, of which I am one.....



Friday, April 6, 2007


It occured to me that someone will never find these writings in some attic, written in a journal.   This will be lost in an electronic wonderland........It is interesting to go back and read how I was feeling in days gone bye.  

I admit that I am glad that most of the stuff I have ranted about, I wouldn't want to reappear.  

Work is the same as usual.  We have been having layoffs, but not a peep in the local newspaper.    There is no rhyme or reason for the selection of those who are gone.   But a lot of them are close to reirement age, and I would be looking for some age discrimination lawsuit to ensue.

Off this weekend.   Tomorrow my daughter and I will go to see a Japanese print exhibit in the Frick Art museum.   It is the last day, I wish I had seen it advertised earlier and not have to wait to the last minute.,  


"You may fool all the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you can't fool all of the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln