Saturday, March 12, 2005

I am trying to figure out the logic in not having prisoners handcuffed.  What is wrong with a portion of this country are all intent on people feeling goos about themselves.   Is not having a person handcuffed because they don't want to jury to get the idea that they must be guilty worth the lives of 3 or 4 people????     If the jury is too stupid to listen to the testimony and figure out what is going on, maybe they shouldn't be there in the first place.   In  this country it is all about the perpertrator and screw the victim.    Maybe something will be done...........

Still working on 2327.   My father will soon be dead for one year.   My moher will be gone for 10.  I still miss her like it was yesterday.  I guess it never goes away.  I read a book called "Adult Orphans"  it was really good.  I think a lot of people feel the same way that they feel all alone when the parent goes.   I am glad that I have siblings to share with my feelings.   Some people have siblings and they are no support at all on this level.

Going to do who knows what today.  I have t change sockets  covers and get the kitchen things out of the cupboards.

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