Friday, March 25, 2005


Just sitting  here drinking a cup of tea.   I like it with milk and sugar in the English manner.   I guess that is because it ws the way my mother drank it.  Anyhow, I drink about 4 to 5 cups a day and so do my sisters.

The truck is sold.  The dining room furniture is gone and the albums of big band music was give to the Thrift Store and Emily said they were going out of the store today in sales.   I called the store that specialized in albums and he didnt want them. 
So I gave them away plus a lot of odds and ends.

Next Friday, in the AM the guy is coming to wash the windows.  Since we had the gutters and downspouts replaced there has been no water in the basement.  GOOD.

Within the next few weeks we will be putting the house on the market.  I hope that selling it is no problem.   This whole year has been like a hamster on a wheel to me.  First with my fathers sickness and death and the matter of cleaning the house out and then the prep to sell.   When it is over I will just relax. 

No class tonight.  CCAC is on spring break.................



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