Thursday, April 8, 2004

Tourettes synd

This is interesting to me.  I was listening to the news and a spot of sports came on.  The young guy is a pitcher and said he has Tourettes Syndrome.As I listened to him, the behavior sounded like my brother.  The constant eye blinking, involuntary limb movement and making throat noises.  He has always had that behavior since he was a little kid.  I also thought he was hyperactive when he was little.   He is in his 50's now and still does someof those things.   It is really a shame that he was born when these thing were not diagnosed.  He graduated from high school but has a lower level job.  Is it too late for diagnosis and treatment.   His insurance only pays 80% and he could not afford to pay the balance. 

I sent an email with the link to my sisters to ask their opinion.  What can be done about it if it is true?

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