Thursday, April 22, 2004

Cleaning 2327

My sister and I went down to 2327 again today.  My sister Kathy was too tired since she spent her night selling hogies.   Almost have one attic clean.  Went to the upper attic and there was mostly metalic things.  Guy things, they will go with our scrap metal load.   This will be quite a few loads for tha/.  All you will make on that is calorie loss intensive.Went through file cabinets. (this is file cabinet central).  Old papers of my great uncles and heaven knows what else.I am glad my sisters church is having that rummage sale.  Because a lot of it is earmarked for that.

It is amazing that a person could have so much junk.   I guess we could really have rented one of those dumpsters.  He also had a gas stove in the laundry room??????

Not much else new that is it for today...................



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