Thursday, August 31, 2006


"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience!"
George Bernard Shaw

And that's the truth.  Had a real exciting day at the dentist.   I hate having any thing done to my mouth.   I guess this is from a childhood trauma.   My parents never took us to the dentist and I had lost a few molars before I was twenty.

The one time I had an abcessed tooth and they took me to see Dr Vogt/  What a jerk, I didn't like his from the time I met him.   He gave me a numbing shot and proceded to pull the tooth.   WELL, THE LOCAL DIDN'T WORK....   I screamed and he slapped me on the face.   I told my parents but they didn't believe me.   I have hated the dentist ever since........Every time since then my visits have been good and painless, but I still cringe at that thought.   But even with that experience I didn't become a mass murderer and go around killing dentists..


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