Monday, September 4, 2006


It is the last of a stretch of days off.........It was a welcomed respite.  Although I had appointments every day at the end of the week.  Lucy does not have to see the kitty ophthalmologist.   Nor does Claudia have to pay a huge bill for it........Lucy's eye is looking much better.   Her vet said that the problem with her eye is a auto-immune problem that will need medication her entire kitty life.   I wonder how many of those nine does she have left????    JUST KIDDING LUCY...MEOW  MEOW

Emily starts back to school tomorrow.   She has three Math and one Science and one  English.    Still has to get her admission things in order.   I am hoping she had an epithany and takes this seriously.   

I am on second call today and so far so good.   You never know what will happen.   Since it is a three day weekend there will be a lot of leftovers from the weekend.    A emergencies or semi-emergencies.   Work one day and then off and then work two more.  I am still glad I am not taking call.   Although I did nothing I just didn't want to be there........

I think fall has arrived.  It is always a surprise how it will be coolish and then extremely hot when summer arrives and then hot and suddenly cooler with the arrival of September.   My daughter and I both like sweatshirt weather.




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