Sunday, August 27, 2006


Found out from my friend that to teach in HS you need a BS, plus here in PA you need a teaching certificate.  That means you need education courses.   To teach at a community college you need a MS and to teach at a University you need a PhD.  That is a lot of work.    But a person will till be the same age 10 years from now if you don't go back to school...

I can hear the thumder.   Last night while I was dozing off I thought I heard the weather man say that the week after Labor Day the highs for a few days were to be in the high 60's.   Maybe that was a dream.......

Back to work tomorrow.   I have a call day this week.   Then off till Tuesday after Labor Day.     Have a lot of plans for Weds but I know I gave that call the kiss of death because I made plans the next day.  Why did I do that????

The dtr and I are going to the movies today.   "Little Miss Sunshine"  will critique it later.....


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