Thursday, January 8, 2004


Well, I had intended to write everyday,.   Somehow I didn't get to do that.   I feel like one of my new years resolutions have been shatered, although, I didn't make a resolution to do this.  

Really, I didn't make any resolutions.   I have decided to make each day and month a extended quest to live healthy and be happy.   It is difficult to go outside and walk when it is 15 degrees.   I like winter, but when it gets below 20 I feel the chill.


I guess nothing really eventful is going on.  Tomorrow my daughter and I are going to a flower show.  Then on to a art museum to see the art of the Ottoman Empire  and off to do lunch.

She will be going back to college in three days.  And the happiest part of that is now I get my garage back.  The person who leaves first sits outside.



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