Saturday, January 31, 2004


I am frustrated with the snow.  At the beginning of the season the meotoroligist forcast was to be a mild and dry winter.  I think I will stick with the Farmers Almanac.   They predicted a bad winter.   If you thought January was bad someone said that February will be worse.   And next week is Ground Hog Day.  I would like to drivve to   Punxatawney  (or however it is spelled) and smack that groundhog on his head.  Just kidding about smacking the wildlife.

I was outside trying to get rid of the snow on my steps and sidewalk, but under the snow is a one inch layer of ice.  I put some rock salt on it but it is only 6 degrees outthere and I dont think it will do any good at all.  One of those 90 degree days in July would be looking mighty good right about now.

Nothing new other than the weather.  I am worried about my father.  He is 86 and since she had two nose bleeds and nasal polyp surgery he just hasn't been feeling good.   I think that his hemoglobin is low (it was 6 with 4 units of blood after that) but with the surgery you can lose aunit there alone.  At least he is breathing very well now.   He is a little short of breath and geting forgetful.  I dont think he is delevoping Altzheimers because he sit and thinks up all kind of things imaginable.  He is the type of person that if it isn't a problem he will make it a problem.   Every medication known to mankind upsets his stomach.   He only takes vitamins. 


He is planning his funeral.  He really hasn't been well since my mother died and that was 9 years ago.  To him it was like it just happened.  She had a malignanct and he thinks the doctors killed her  but I know that it was the cncer that killed her.  He said the doctors told him she would like 6 years with the type she had.  She had ca of the bile duct, and she actually liked 4 years which is astonishing.  The original doctor gave her 6 month to a year.  As an RN I know, but you can't explain that to him because he chooses not to believe.  I hope if I get like that someone will kick me in the arse.


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