Wednesday, March 10, 2004

On growing older part 2

Try to write this last evening but somehow the cat (Molly) got behind the desk where the computer sits and pulled the plug.

Got my dad settled in the SNF (skilled nursing facility).  He was ok initially and then a metomorphis occured.   When we got him there he couldn't even walk a step without assistance.   It took 3 of us to get him to the br.  A male pca got him all settled on the pot.

Then he started to fuss about "this not being right"  And by the end of a half an hour it was my, my sister, and the doctors fault that he was there and we should have talked to him first.  This was all discussed with him for 2 days, and he was agreeable.   He goes in and out of being confused, which is common with crainotomy patients.  Well, now he is mad at the world. 

I had to get the head nurse to talk to him.  The physical therapist came and talked about working with him to get him moving.   Then after she left he tolm that "you are the one who needs exercise, not him"   My brother who went in the evening said he was still mad and Richard asked him "Can you cdlimb stairs here?  Can you climb then at Home?"  Her said "no",   Then Richard said that is why you are here/  

The children wanted to put a bathroom in on the first floor, but he refused to let us do that.  I think he is just in denial on that one.   He will just have to use the porta-potty.   Or maybe he doesnt care than he falls down the steps and cracks his head again.

I find this very frustrating.  My father is the typical "Ultra" type A, He needs to be incharge of everything, including his children who are in their 40's and 50's.

He also refused to eat his supper there because he was still POed at the world.   At least I ate my supper at home.  He also refused to talk to the doctor and the nurses.


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