Wednesday, January 4, 2006

"Life is 10 percent what you make it and 90 percent how you take it."
- Benjamin Franklin

Right we are not taking it too well.   Got an astronomic gas bill for the final reading.  Since I have had the thermostat on at 50F I knew it wasn't right.   Called Dominion, and what a time with that I had.  One hour on hold by calling their toll free number.   I finally found a local number and they had a mechanism where you left your phone number and they would call you back.   And they did! ! ! ! !    The mechanical voice said 15 minutes wait and they called back.

NO ONE read the meter.   What a bunch of idiots.   They are going to go out tomorrow and read it.   Told the lady that I had the thermometer set at 50 and no one was using the gas.   They will prorate it, or so they say.

Still no resolution to the work situation.   I could use a month off..........

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