Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Rolling Stones

Can you believe it???   At th age of 58 I am going to my first rock concert!!!!!!  My daughter and I are going to see the Stones.........  She asked me why I never went when I was in Nursing School...  Mainly because no one had any money or a car........The weather is to be good tonight.   With a high of 78 and to get chilly this evening.   I am taking a hooded sweat shirt for when it gets cold and if it rains I will just put up the hood.   I am picking her up from work and then we will drive into town.    Then I hope to find somewhere to eat, that is not too crowded and walk across the river to the stadium.

These letters are still driving me nutso.  I hit to increase the size but it does what it damn well pleases.    I hit the keys for size 14 and they are still are unequal.   Today is a beautiful day, weather wise.   At the end of this week it is to get colder.   I also have off tomorrow, who knows what time we will get home but I know for sure it will be late.

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