Saturday, April 22, 2006


"Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."
Joseph Addison

Tried to listen to the radio and that was a dud.   How can something be preset and then tell me it is not available??????   Now on second click it is playing music scores.   Sometimes I think this has a mind of its own.

On the other hand a must have and vital patch was due from Microsoft.  After downloading this patch the computer wasn't working at all.   I wa lucky enough to get in and do a system restore, which seemed to solve my problem.   And a week later I find a note on Kim Komando that the patch is not compatable with HP computers.    One would think that the people who set these things up would know that information.

It is a gloomy, rainy day.   We need the rain.  With a mild winter without much snow and a rather dry spring, the rain is welcome.   It puts one in a mood for napping and doing not a whole hell of a lot.


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