Monday, October 10, 2005

Monday, Monday

Well, its been almost a week.   And how your life can change.    Emily is now a professional musician.    The Johnstown Symphony called and asked her to fill in and she is going to play the season.    Won't  make a ton of cash, but she loves to play and I am so happy for her.

Trouble in River City.   The hospital isn't honoring the contracts it set out.   That does not surprise me one iota.   The CEO always think they are smarter than, and do not have to abide to things that us mere mortals do!!!!    This one will be a big show down.    They also think the peons below them are stupid.    Just look at the current CEO scandals and trial.   They are arrrogant and think they are above us all.

The medical profession, and related professions are the only ones that the costs go up and their reimbursements go down.  It has gotten to the point that the reimbursements are not covering the costs.   So, therefore one of two things have to happen.   The hospital has to kick in a portion of the cost of providing the service or the reimbursements from the insurnace has to go up.    BC has the monopoly on this area and their attitude is "tough luck"    Also the same from the hospital administration.   A contingency plan is in effect so, who know what will play out........Hope it doesn't  last long and some one will come to their senses.   

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