"Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment."
Benjamin Franklin
Didn't get done all the things I wanted. Its good that I don't have a need to be done by list. The biggest thing was to clear out the attic (partially done) it was limited by the lack of space when I unloaded the things. Most of it went to my sister whose church is having a rummage sale to support the youth group.
This cleaning of the attic needs to be done on a cooler day. On Tuesday the carpet guy came to clean and the great excape by Molly. Molly is neurotic and runs and hides. The telephone repair guy came too and Molly got out of the bedroom, where I had placed her to keep her out of harms way.
Came home from the mall and all cats were out but Molly. The carpet guy had the front door open while he cleaned. I called and called by NO CAT. We look around the yard and all the places she may have gone. NO CAT. We walked around the block and NO CAT. I made up lost cat signs to post the next day. It was also Emilys birthday and we cancelled her dinner because of NO CAT. I was heart broken because she is so stupid and neurotic.
At 8 pm while I was feeding the remaining cats I caught a grey streak out of my peripheral vision. There was THE CAT. She had hid in the basement for 8 hours and now was hiding in the bedroom. Neurotic was could be. We thought we were going to have to take her for therapy. But two days later she has bounced back to her "normal nutty" self.
What a fruitcake is she...........................